Steffen Stummann Hansen:
In the footsteps of Governor Pløyen. A Danish-Faroese visit to Shetland in 1899.
New Shetlander, No. 259, 2012, 25-28.
• Free download in pdf-format here
In 1899 a “Danish Commission on Agriculture” visited Shetland. Its members were Danish agronomist Peter Berend Feilberg (1835-1925) and Faroese agricultural advicer Rasmus Christoffer Effersøe (1857-1916). The object of the visit was to see what progress had been made in agriculture in Shetland since the islands were visited by Governor (Danish: amtmand) Pløyen’s visit in 1839, and if possible get hints which might be of use in the Faroe Islands. The article is based on Feilberg’s book Fra Lier og Fjelde. Breve til Hjemmet 1899, which he published in Copenhagen the following year.
Review by Norbert B. Vogt:
“In zwei Aufsätzen befasst sich Stummann Hansen mit den Kontakten zwischen den Färöern und den Shetland-Inseln. In Governor Pløyen and Captain Cameron Mouat (in: The New Shetlander. Lerwick, No. 257, 2011, 23-33) beschreibt der Verfasser…..”. Read review here (in German)
Free download of Feilberg’s book in pdf-format here (external link)