A Dane in Shetland (part two)

DownloadBack to Jarlshof.Steffen Stummann Hansen:
A Dane in Shetland (part two).
New Shetlander No. 203, 1998, 32-33.

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In 1934 a small book with the title Norse Building Customs in the Scottish Isles was published by the Danish architect and archaeologist Aage Roussell of the National Museum of Denmark. The book was based on material he had recorded during a visit to the Western and Northern Isles in 1931. The article describes Roussell’s visit to Shetland and puts it into context.

For further reading see:


Steffen Stummann Hansen: Steep Slopes, Strong Winds and Wealthy Sportsmen. Aage Roussell and his Journey to the Scottish Isles in 1931. Review of Scottish Culture 12, 116-134. Edinburgh 1998.

Steffen Stummann Hansen: Lange Bakker, Stærk Blæst og Velhavende Sportmænd. Aage Roussell og hans Rejse til de Skotske Øer i 1931. Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie (1997), 185-229. København 1999.