A Dane and the Dawning of Faroese Archaeology

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A Dane and the Dawning of Faroese Archaeology.
Fróðskaparrit 50 (2002),11-32.

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In October 1932 Gudmund Hatt (1884-1960), professor of human geography at University of Copenhagen, together with his wife, artist painter Emilie Demant Hatt (1873-1958), visisted the Faroe Islands for six days on their way back from investigations in Southern Greenland. Besides being a geographer Hatt also had extensive experience as an archaeologist and was an acknowledged authority on prehistoric building customs. Hatt had a special interest in agriculture and farming in the Faroes, but during his stay he also found time to assist the historical society of Faroe (based in Tórshavn) with an archaeological excavation of a house ruin near Tórshavn. The archaeological environent which had met with in many ways reflected the dawning of Faroese archaeology.