“Steffen Stummann Hansen tells how a survey of Shetland’s agriculture impressed our island neighbours in the 19th century in In the footsteps of Governor Pløyen: a Danish-Faroese visit to Shetland in 1899″ (Shetland Times 17th March 2012).
Press publications Færøerne 1911 – set af den
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Hansen Eitt feigdaráratíggju í Leirvíkar
søgu 1874-1883 Fólk í Leirvík í 1901 Other publications Early Church Sites (Faroe Islands) Medieval Farmsteads in Greenland På Vandring i Nólsoys Fortid Toftanes - vikingetidsgård i Leirvík Toftanes - a Viking-Age Farmstead News In the footsteps of Governor Pløyen A scalped peatscape on Nólsoy, Faroe Islands Færøske fortidsminder går til havs Articles for free download Faroe Islands Iceland Greenland Shetland Orkney Ancient monuments Faroe Islands -
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